PPE-X Programme

The 3rd PPE Club Events Committee is proud to have organized the first-ever PPE-X Programme which took place from 29 January 2022 to 19 March 2022, and concluded with the final presentation of research ideas on 7 May 2022

This programme was organized under the advisement of Professor Loy and USP Adjunct Lecturer Aaron Maniam, who both anchored the workshops and provided guidance on research ideas and methodology. PPE-X also served as a testbed for a subsequent 4K PPE-coded module.

The programme was designed as a projects clinic to hone student proposals that explore concepts within PPE for Honors Thesis, ISMs, or other research areas. NUS PPE students were encouraged to pursue passion projects, ideate for their Honors Thesis, or simply apply concepts they have learned during the workshops.

We would like to thank our programme facilitators, Prof Loy and USP Adjunct Lecturer Aaron, for their time, effort, and immense insight. Thank you to our participants for sharing your ideas and perspectives, and we hope it was a wonderful learning opportunity for all of you!


Programme components**:

1) Workshops to introduce PPE-based frameworks to students (Week 3-5, Saturday, 10AM-12PM at UTown),

2) A following open call for research proposals and projects, consultations with Prof Loy and DS Aaron subject to availability (Week 5-9),

3) A 10-15 min presentation of said research ideas and projects in Week 9 (tentatively Saturday, 19 March).

**Participants need not follow through with 2) and 3). They may attend 1) before deciding if they want to go ahead with 2) or 3).

**Component 1) is open to all NUS PPE students, while 2) and 3) are limited to Year 2-Year 4 students. Year 1 students are still highly encouraged to sign up to attend 1).


PrePPEd! AY21/22 Sem 2 Career Seminar


Virtual Fireside Chat with MCI DS Aaron Maniam